Lately, I have pondered the value of travelling whether it be locally, nationally or
internationally. Many people do not have the means to travel far from home and
others deem travel as a luxury few can afford. While I agree that going too far
flung lands may be out of reach for many, there is much to be learned even if we
travel within our own locations. Being open to different and unique experiences
whether it be food, literature, events, and landscapes creates opportunity to
learn and grow. If we remain in place with the familiar, which does provide
security and comfort but it also could mean missed opportunities to set aside
judgements and preconceived ideas. The key is to approach these trips, jaunts
etc. with an open mind and no expectations. In so doing we can relax and receive
new information, create new relationships, demystify previously held ideas and
notions about people, situations and cultures that differ from our own. Yes it can
be challenging and even frightening. No-one I know enjoys being lost in an
unfamiliar place or in uncomfortable situations. Yet is that not too a way we can
expand our experiences and knowledge?
My own personal experience was when I was working with a woman who was
part of a motorcycle club complete with all that may bring to your mind. Frankly, I
was intimidated. She invited me to a club event and though I was hesitant and
uncomfortable with the idea, I attended. Not only were the people friendly and
welcoming, I learned how the club formed, its mission and the value in collective
organizations. The group shared recipes, tales of their travels, crafts they made
and what made them a family. This was the first of many times that my own
biases were found to be baseless which in turn helped me to approach new
situations differently.
Most people just want to be seen, heard and involved with others. In a world
where there is so much divisive and mixed messages, pushing into our discomfort
can lead to amazing experiences with people. It does not require a trip across the
ocean to be changed by others. All it takes it the willingness to step outside the
known. The steps can be small or large, the important thing is we try to take